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HSRI Executive Committee

The HSRI Executive Committee is comprised of 11 members, including 10 voting members (three from each school, plus the HSRI Director), and the Executive Director as a non-voting member. Executive Committee members serve a three-year term which is staggered to ensure continuity.

Prof. Robin DeLugan
Anthropology & Heritage Studies
Prof. Xuecai (Susan) Ge
Associate Professor
Molecular & Cell Biology
Arvind Gopinath
Associate Professor
Prof. Sachin Goyal
Associate Professor
Mechanical Engineering
Juris Grasis
Assistant Professor
Molecular & Cell Biology
Martin Hagger
Psychological Sciences
HSRI Executive Director Trevor Hirst
Executive Director
Health Sciences Research Institute
Prof. Rudy Ortiz
Molecular & Cell Biology
Antoine Shahin
Academic Administrator
Cognitive & Information Sciences
Joel Spencer
Associate Professor
Prof. Deborah Wiebe
Professor and Director, HSRI
Psychological Sciences