The Center of Excellence for the Study of Health Disparities (COEHD) at UC Merced offers a unique program for current sophomores, juniors, and non-graduating seniors to work with UC Merced faculty on projects focused on issues of health disparities in the San Joaquin Valley and beyond.
The Undergraduate Research Training Program will not be offered for the 2017-18 summer and academic year. Please consider the UC LEADS program and other UC Merced undergraduate research training opportunities.
Learn about past Undergraduate Research Training Program projects here
About the Undergraduate Research Training Program
The goals of the COEHD Undergraduate Research Training Program are to:
- Increase the number of students who are knowledgeable about health disparities;
- Increase the numbers of undergraduate students from under-represented and disadvantaged groups performing basic, clinical and/or bio-behavioral research; and
- Expand the capacity and competence of UC Merced in conducting health sciences research that address health disparities in the region.
Ultimately, the COEHD will develop a sustainable infrastructure and culture on our nascent campus that recognizes and supports health sciences education and research with an emphasis on training and research that impacts health disparities, especially in the geographic region in which UC Merced is located, but that also has national and global implications. Along these lines, the ultimate goal of the COEHD URTP is to produce highly qualified and well-trained students that are well-positioned to seek advanced degrees in basic, clinical and bio-behavioral biomedical sciences to support the main goals of the NCMHD of reducing health disparities.
When available, the nine week summer program includes:
- A two-week 'academic boot camp' followed by seven weeks working on current research with a faculty mentor;
- Professional skills training such as ethics and responsible conduct of research; preparation for graduate school; creating a CV; and professional presentation skills;
- Engagement in community-oriented research that focuses on various health disparities, and how research can help reduce these disparities; and
- An understanding of how issues such as race, ethnicity, gender and poverty can affect an individual’s health and life chances;paid COEHD researcher.)
The Undergraduate Research Training Program will not be offered for the 2013-14 summer and academic year. Please consider the UC LEADS program and other UC Merced undergraduate research training opportunities.