Sigma Xi invites you to attend their Spring Symposium entitled:
Global Change, Disease Ecology, and Evolutionary Management
This symposium is presented as part of UC Merced's Research Week, and co-sponsored by the Sierra Nevada Research Institute, Health Sciences Research Institute, Environmental Systems Graduate Group and the multicampus Network for Experimental Research on Evolution.
Download the Spring Symposium flier: 2013sigmaxi_springsymposium_flyer_alt.pdf
Download the Spring Symposium schedule: 2013sigmaxi_symposiumschedule.pdf
Time | Topic | Speakers |
2:00 | Introduction |
Mike Dawson, Sigma Xi VP |
2:10 | Producing Renewable energy from biomass: the sustainable domain | Elliot Campbell, UC Merced |
2:40 | Long-term perspectives on biotic interactions in a chaning world |
Jessica Blois, UC Merced |
3:10 | Global change studies from a representative selection of UC natural reserves | Chris Swarth, UC Merced |
3:40 | Intermission | |
3:50 | The tic takeover talk: anthropogenic influences underlie tick range expansion and emerging tick-borne disease | Janet Foley, UC Davis |
4:20 | Evolutionary principles and drug combinations: decreasing the likelihood of drug-resistance evolving bacteria | Pamela Yeh, UCLA |
4:50 | Wolbachia population biology: from understanding spatial spread in natural Drosophila simulans populations to possible dengue control | Michael Turelli, UC Davis |
5:20 | Closing remarks |