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October 25, 2013
An interdisciplinary team of researchers at the University of California, Merced, has begun an ambitious quest to discover common principles that guide evolution of structures at the linguistic and molecular levels.   Professors Rick Dale in cognitive science, David Ardell in evolutionary...
October 16, 2013
Dyslexia is one of the oldest diagnosed learning disabilities – and one of the most widely researched. However, a UC Merced professor believes there is still more to learn and his recent research has shed new light on what many have considered to be a disease.   UC Merced developmental...
October 7, 2013
UC Merced’s first Ph.D. graduate is back on campus. But this time, Ricardo Cisneros isn’t enrolled as a student; he’s a professor instead.   Cisneros, who earned his doctorate in Environmental Systems from the School of Engineering in 2008, was the first environmental...
September 23, 2013
Chances are, sometime in your life, you’ll need an antibiotic.   But did you know that bacteria are evolving antibiotic resistance so quickly – and pharmaceutical companies are not inventing new antibiotics – that soon, there will not be any that are effective?   It...
August 12, 2013
Valley fever is hard to diagnose, even harder to treat, and potentially fatal—and the number of cases is rising dramatically. - By Kiera Butler and Brett Brownell of Mother Jones   Karen Deeming was a healthy 48-year-old living in Los Banos, California, and working on her master's...
July 19, 2013
The ties between the community and the University of California, Merced, will grow stronger thanks to a gift from longtime campus supporters Joel and Elizabeth Wallace.   The Wallaces have given UC Merced $575,000 to establish the Wallace-Dutra Amphitheater and the Yablokoff-Wallace Health...
July 3, 2013
Graphic cigarette warning labels are better at discouraging smoking in young adults than text-only labels, according to research recently published by a UC Merced professor. Professor Linda Cameron’s study adds new information about how cigarette warning labels can discourage young, adult...
July 1, 2013
Like many faculty members, Professor Katrina Hoyer is busy running a lab, teaching and researching. This year, she adds another item to her to-do list – learning how public policy is implemented and how she can advocate for policy that affects her research.   Hoyer has been named one...
June 10, 2013
Two UC Merced undergraduates will spend the summer immersed in research after winning prestigious fellowships from the American Physiological Society. Sophomores Debby Lee and Meagan Moreno competed on a national level for the 10-week, $4,000 fellowships that will support them during their first...
May 1, 2013
In an effort to combat a debilitating disease commonly found in the region, UC Merced researchers are collaborating with area medical leaders to better understand valley fever.   Through the campus's Health Sciences Research Institute, immunology Professor David Ojcius is...
