October 20, 2012 - 10:00am
Personalized medicine is a growing area of medicine that aims to use each person's unique clinical and
genetic makeup to develop personalized treatments. Proponents claim that personalized medicine will
yield treatments that result in fewer negative side effects, better prevention of disease, earlier detection
and treatment, and better health outcomes from treatments. Yet to date, these ambitious goals have yet to
materialize, and the prognosis for future developments is unclear.
Paul Brown is a Professor of Public Health and Director of the Health Sciences Research Institution at
UC Merced. Rather than focusing on the clinical opportunities and challenges with personalized medicine,
he will discuss the likely impact of personalized medicine on the way healthcare is delivered, including
addressing questions such as:
How your genetic information can help you make healthcare decisions, but why its current usefulnessis limited,
Why insurance companies don't want your genetic information...as long as you don't have it either,
Whether we are likely to see drugs and treatments tailored to your specific genetic makeup in the near future, and
What advances in personalized medicine will likely mean forthe people of the San Joaquin Valley.
Please click here to download the pdf flyer for this event: frontiers_fall_2012_oct.pdf