Claudia G. Corchado has been the Program Manager for Cultiva La Salud in Merced County for the last fifteen years under the fiscal non profit organization of United Way of Merced County. Cultiva La Salud is dedicated to engaging, informing and inspiring residents to actively advance personal, family and community health through healthy lifestyles and civic advocacy. For the past thirteen years Claudia has been training and empowering low income Latino community residents to engage in local government to improve their community through the Powerful People and Powerful Parents curriculum. Cultiva La Salud, which translates to “cultivate health” connects people with opportunities to help foster policies, systems and environmental changes that support health equity in the Central Valley. Her role as the Program Manager for Cultiva La Salud includes grant writing, capacity building, grant management, evaluation, program implementation, partnership building, power building with parents/residents/youth, working with local government, state and federal agencies/systems to create healthy communities in Merced County. Claudia is a recognized fellow of the Central Valley Health Policy Institute, Hispanics Organized for Political Equality (HOPE), American Leadership Forum (ALF) Claudia was recognized by Senator Anna Caballero Senate District 12 as Woman of the Year in 2019, Volunteer of the Year by the Greater Chamber of Commerce in 2017 and Latinas Making a Difference Award by the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, she is also a Board Member for the Valley Crisis Center.